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What is Altitude Training?

Jan 25, 2024
What is Altitude Training?-Resapex

High altitude simulation training is a method of athletic training that replicates the conditions experienced at high altitudes. During this type of training, athletes exercise in an environment with reduced oxygen levels, similar to what would be encountered at higher elevations. This is achieved using specialized equipment or techniques such as altitude simulation systems, hypoxic chambers, or portable altitude generators.

The goal of high altitude simulation training is to expose athletes to the physiological challenges associated with training at altitude, such as decreased oxygen levels and increased cardiovascular stress, in order to elicit adaptations that can improve performance. These adaptations may include increased red blood cell production, enhanced oxygen utilization efficiency, and improved cardiovascular function.

High altitude simulation training is often used as a supplementary training method to enhance aerobic capacity, prepare for competitions held at altitude, and accelerate recovery.

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  • Altitude System