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The benefits of altitude training

Dec 21, 2023
The benefits of altitude training-Resapex

High altitude simulation training offers several benefits for athletes and fitness enthusiasts: 

Improved Oxygen Utilization: Exercising in a simulated high-altitude environment with reduced oxygen levels forces the body to become more efficient at utilizing available oxygen. This adaptation can lead to improved aerobic capacity and endurance, as the body becomes better equipped to deliver oxygen to working muscles.

Enhanced Performance: Training in a low-oxygen environment challenges the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, leading to physiological adaptations that can enhance overall athletic performance. Athletes may experience improvements in endurance, speed, strength, and power output.

Faster Recovery: High altitude simulation training can stimulate the production of red blood cells and enhance circulation, which may accelerate recovery from intense workouts or competitions. This can reduce muscle soreness, fatigue, and the risk of overtraining.

Increased Metabolic Rate: Exercising in a low-oxygen environment can elevate the metabolic rate both during and after workouts. This can lead to increased calorie expenditure, aiding in weight management and improving body composition.

Mental Toughness: Training in challenging conditions like simulated high altitude can help athletes develop mental resilience and toughness. Overcoming the discomfort and fatigue associated with low-oxygen environments can build mental fortitude, which is beneficial in competitive sports and fitness pursuits.

Overall, high altitude simulation training provides a unique stimulus that can enhance aerobic performance, accelerate recovery, and contribute to overall athletic development for both athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

-Increased aerobic capacity (VO2 Max)

-Increased erythropoietin (EPO) production

-Increased lactate threshold

-Increased mitochondrial density and production

-Reduced symptoms of acute mountain sickness (AMS)

-Reduced body weight and body fat percentage

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  • Altitude System